"")) { $id=$_REQUEST["id"]; } else { header("Location: index.php?msg=".urlencode("SomeError")); die(); } function main() { global $statDesc,$config,$id; $conn = db(); $query=mysqli_query($conn, "select * from pb_orkutcode_images where pbid=$id"); $res=mysqli_fetch_object($query); ?>
Image Gallery
pb_image_title; ?>
<? if(trim($res->pb_seo_title)<>pb_seo_title; else echo $res->pb_image_title; ?>" border="0">
This Picture was submitted by memberLinkSmall($res->pbuid); ?>
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pb_comments)); ?> getImageName($row->pbuid,"small"); ?>" width="40px" style="border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 2px;" alt='memberFullName($row->pbuid); ?>'/>
Posted By: memberLinkSmall($row->pbuid); ?>  postdate); ?>
pbuid." and pb_approved='y' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 9"); $cols = 3; // put the number of columns you want here $col_width = round(1/$cols * 100,0)."%"; // get column width as % $extra_cells = ""; $num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result_q); // get number of records from query $extra_needed = $cols-($num_rows % $cols); //find out how many blank cells there will be if($extra_needed!= $cols ) { for($i = 0; $i<$extra_needed;$i++) { $extra_cells .= "\r\n"; // loop the blank cells in } } if($num_rows>0) { $tdcount = 1; while($result=mysqli_fetch_object($result_q)) { if($tdcount % $cols == 1) echo "\r\n"; // check to see if new row needs to be started ?>
Some other orkut codes by memberLinkSmall($res->pbuid); ?>